Sustainable Products

Establishment of Green Packaging System

LG H&H operates the Green Product Review Committee on a company-wide level to realize sustainable green packaging. With the CRO as its chairperson, the committee is composed of the design, packaging research, purchasing, business division, and product planning departments, and is primarily run by the environment and safety team. The committee carries out activities from the pre-development stage, proposing green packaging and suggesting and reviewing green level issues. To proactively comply with rapidly-changing packaging policies, the committee shares relevant information, establishes policies, and applies the policies in products. In 2020, through the operation of the Green Product Review Committee, we conducted activities to minimize product containers, improve materials, and increase the recyclability of our packaging. We reduced the weight of containers by applying a stepped tray to the set products, changed the container material from PET to PP(Polypropylene) or HDPE(High Density Polyethylene), and reduced the amount and cost of packaging waste by implementing improvement tasks to enhance recyclability.

Green Product Review Committee

CRO1) as
Environment &
Safety Team
as Secretariat
Review Members
  • Desingn Center
  • Packaging Research
  • Purchasing Division
  • Business Division,
    Product Planning

1) CRO : Chef Risk Management Officer

Environmental Product Packaging

LG H&H has continued efforts to employ an efficient method for developing eco-friendly containers in the product development phase. We designed and distributed the Green Packaging Guide that classifies the containers of products to be developed into different grades according to three factors (weight, raw material and recyclability) and assigns marks for them, enabling a more objective assessment of eco-friendliness. We continue to manage our products at each grade and enhance the eco-friendliness of them. Advanced countries, such as Europe and Japan, have already established various regulations on the recyclability of containers. LG H&H will establish its position as a leading eco-friendly company that takes the initiative in the development of green containers and packaging in the market.

Expanding green packaging for resource circulation

In 2021, we made various efforts to expand green packaging, such as reducing container weight by improving packaging methods, increasing recyclability by improving materials, and reducing plastic usage. Regarding specific pouch packaging, we improved it with label strips or shrink film and improved recyclability by changing the paper material of the existing plastic tray, applying PCR plastic to the container, and developing an all-plastic pump. To reduce petroleum-based plastics, we have also developed packaging using recycled plastics and plastics based on natural origins and expanded our packaging to reduce plastic usage. Through these efforts, we not only improved recyclability but also reduced the amount of waste generated and product costs.

Green Product Sales
(Unit : KRW 100 million)

Green Product Sales
Category 2022 performance 2023 target
Ref 4,081 4,293
HG 687 707
Total 4,768 5,000

Case of Packaging Materials with Improved Recyclability

LG H&H strives to address hindering factors in the recycling process to enhance the recyclability of containers and the eco-friendly image of products.

Use of Recycled
Packaging Materials
in 20221)

Use of Recycled Packaging Materials in 20221)
Category Amount of recycled materials Recycling rate
Cans 194 82.29%
Glass bottles 1,993 64.00%
Synthetic resin material 17,338 94.17%
1) Data based on recycling rate disclosure data from Korea Resource Circulation Service Agency(KORA)
* Some data adjusted due to changes in data management scope and methodology adjustments, etc.

Expansion of Products with Eco-Labeling Certification

Eco-labeling is a system that induces companies' voluntary environmental improvement by providing consumers with information on environmental improvement by labeling the product when the 'environmental properties of a product' have been improved compared to other products for the same purpose, encouraging companies to develop and produce eco-friendly products. LG H&H continues to acquire and maintain environmental label certification for products such as powder laundry detergent, liquid dishwashing detergent, multi-purpose detergent, and air freshener, providing consumers with information on improving the environmental quality of products. We also actively participate in EPD(carbon footprint, low-carbon products) to quantitatively indicate the environmental impact of the entire production process. EPD is a system that quantitatively shows the environmental impact of the whole process, such as raw material collection, production, transportation/distribution, use, and disposal, to improve the environmental quality of products.

Total Sales (Unit: KRW 100 million)

  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022

Certified Products

¡Ø As of late December 2022
  • 193 Total number of
  • 183
  • 10

Eco-label Certified Products

Eco-label Certified Products
Product Category Brand Product Name
Jayeonpong Jayeonpong Non-Greasy Baking Soda & Lemon
PONG PONG Pongpong Lemon Vinegar
Multi-Purpose Cleaners Homestar Homestar Natulux Bathroom Cleaner
Han Yip Han Yip 100% Percarbonated Soda
Air Fresheners Aura LG Aura Eco Big Egg Air Freshener

Eco-label Certified Products

Eco-label Certified Products
Product Category Brand Product Name
Cosmetics Beyond Beyond Deep Moisture Smoothing Body Emulsion 300ml, 500ml
Beyond Deep Moisture Creamy Body Wash 300ml, 500ml
Carbonated Beverage Coke Coca-Cola 500mL, 1.5L PET
Coke Coca-Cola Zero 500mL, 1.5L PET
Sprite Sprite 500mL, 1.5L PET
Bottled Water Pyeongchang-
Gangwon Pyeongchangsoo 500mL, 2L PET
ViO Soonsoo ViO Soonsoo 500mL, 2L PET

Hempharmx Hair & Body Care

A clean beauty trend that prioritizes the impact on people, animals and the global environment is spreading around the world. Hempharmx is a hair & body care brand containing hemp seed oil, which is gaining attention as an eco-friendly product. It minimizes the decomposition of omega 3 and 6 components by a cold compression method that does not apply heat to the raw materials, and is certified as ¡°excellent¡± grade in the German Derma Test and the Vegetarian Society of the UK, based on its hypoallergenic formula. In addition, we applied the Smart Easy Cap, which is easy to recycle.

Hempharmx Hair & Body Care

Improving Recyclability of PET Containers

In 2020, it became mandatory to dispose of transparent plastic bottles separately to maximize the recyclability of PET bottles and prevent the mixing of heterogeneous raw materials. In addition, labels or pumps that are difficult to separate require improvements. LG H&H changed the materials of containers with pump dispensers to PP or HDPE to improve separation and recyclability, and also reduced the recycling charges.

Improving Recyclability with Colorless Pet Containers

Changed Colors of PET Bottles for Beverages and Improved Labeling

After identifying the problem of the many unrecyclable PET bottles, we changed colored PET bottles to colorless bottles that are easy to recycle. Representative products include Sprite, Seagram Sparkling Water, Kin Cider, and Minute Maid Aloe. In addition, we are making efforts to improve the eco-friendliness of packaging with the application of a perforated line and thermal-alkali separated adhesives1) and label-free packaging to increase the ease of use in separating labels from PET containers

1) Thermal-alkali separated adhesives: Easily separated by reacting to a constant temperature (85 - 90¡É) of washing water for recycled products and sodium hydroxide (2%) Changed Colors of PET Bottles for Beverages and Improved Labeling

Royal Botanic Pumping Toothpaste Using Regenerated Ingredients

We are expanding the use of eco-friendly raw materials using natural raw materials when manufacturing containers to reduce the amount of petroleum-based plastics used. In 2021, we replaced up to 54% of petroleum-based plastics used in containers by applying Royal Botanic Pumping Toothpaste with Bio Balanced PE material using 30% of raw materials extracted from waste cooking oil and recycled PP from recycled waste plastic.

Beyond refill pouch utilizing paper material

LG H&H developed a paper pouch with synthetic resin added to it for durability for product storage and launched the Beyond refill pouch, which uses 75% less plastic than the original plastic container. Following the launch of 6 products, including five body wash and one shampoo, we plan to apply the pouch to additional shampoo products in 2022.