Sustainable Products

Expansion of Products with Eco-Labeling Certification

Eco-labeling is a system that induces companies' voluntary environmental improvement by providing consumers with information on environmental improvement by labeling the product when the 'environmental properties of a product' have been improved compared to other products for the same purpose, encouraging companies to develop and produce eco-friendly products. LG H&H continues to acquire and maintain environmental label certification for products such as powder laundry detergent, liquid dishwashing detergent, multi-purpose detergent, and air freshener, providing consumers with information on improving the environmental quality of products. We also actively participate in EPD(carbon footprint, low-carbon products) to quantitatively indicate the environmental impact of the entire production process. EPD is a system that quantitatively shows the environmental impact of the whole process, such as raw material collection, production, transportation/distribution, use, and disposal, to improve the environmental quality of products.

Total Sales (Unit: KRW 100 million)

  • 2020
  • 2021
  • 2022

Certified Products

¡Ø As of late December 2022
  • 193 Total number of
  • 183
  • 10

Eco-label Certified Products

Eco-label Certified Products
Product Category Brand Product Name
Jayeonpong Jayeonpong Non-Greasy Baking Soda & Lemon
PONG PONG Pongpong Lemon Vinegar
Multi-Purpose Cleaners Homestar Homestar Natulux Bathroom Cleaner
Han Yip Han Yip 100% Percarbonated Soda
Air Fresheners Aura LG Aura Eco Big Egg Air Freshener

Eco-label Certified Products

Eco-label Certified Products
Product Category Brand Product Name
Cosmetics Beyond Beyond Deep Moisture Smoothing Body Emulsion 300ml, 500ml
Beyond Deep Moisture Creamy Body Wash 300ml, 500ml
Carbonated Beverage Coke Coca-Cola 500mL, 1.5L PET
Coke Coca-Cola Zero 500mL, 1.5L PET
Sprite Sprite 500mL, 1.5L PET
Bottled Water Pyeongchang-
Gangwon Pyeongchangsoo 500mL, 2L PET
ViO Soonsoo ViO Soonsoo 500mL, 2L PET